Chapter 23 - Becoming a World Power

The Beginning

What happens when your Government is weathy, but the citizens are poor and unhappy?  In 1910-1920 a revolution begins against the Mexican government.  This was the situation for the citizens of Mexico.  At the time the Government was stable.  Diaz was the President of Mexico and he wanted to get rid of crime.  He made the army stronger, and the economic life was better.  Highways, railroads, telegraph lines, and oil fieds were being built in Mexico.  The money that was used to pay for these events, were from films that had been made at the time.   Was the government too wealthy?  The citizens thought so, therefore they wanted to rebel against the Government and most of all, President Diaz.  There were groups of Mexicans that rebeled to prove their points across Mexico.  Points including that they were unhappy with the Mexican Government.  The groups were the north and south.  The north group had the leaders of Pancho Villa (Francisco) and Pascual Orozco.  They took control of Jurez, and many other cities in the North.  This influenced Diaz to resign and move to Europe.  While this was happening Emiliano Zapata took control of the South.  He cut off the road to Mexico City. During Diaz's leave, many Mexicans were fleeing from Mexico and moving to the United States of America.  They wanted to be where they would be safe.  The USA obtained around 900,000 Mexican immigrants between 1910-1920. Diaz left General Victoriano Huerta in charge of Mexico when he left.  Also, Corranza tried to become president by declaring himslef in office.  Pancho Villa did not like him either.  Corranza was not declared President, but Madero was.  His term was short, but he was able to start to gain trust back with Mexico.  Since Corranza was was a good President, Villa, Orazco, and Zapata, started to rebel agian.  They were unhappy that he pleased the people.  The groups went to Huerta and he helped them come up with a plan.  They then killed Corranza on February 22, 1913 along with an ambassador.  As there was no President, Huerta was the new Mexican President.  He was disliked by many people, and the groups attacked him as well. The groups were the same, except Zapata.  He was fighting in the south at the time.  The next revolution against Huerta defeated him, and Corranza became the next presidnet around 1914.  Did Pancho Villa like him? No, he tried to defeat him as well.  Corranza started to become more powerful, and Pancho Villa needed more troops to help defeat him.  Corranza finally realized that he was the most hated man in Mexico at this point, so he fled Mexico and was shot right outside of Mexico.  During this time General Pershing was sent from the USA to try and find Pancho Villa.  He did this because Pancho Villa was the master mind of all these killings, and crossed the boarder to the USA, but then went back to Mexico where Pershing tried to capture him.  His plan did not go as he planned.  Villa was not captured, and Pershing went back to the USA to be assigned to another job.  This ended the Mexican revolution, allowing Mexicans to come home.  They were scared to come home knowing that Mexico would never be the same.  
This is Mexico and you can see which parts of Mexico the groups took over.
Emiliano Zapata (South)
Pancho Villa (North)
Pascual Orozco (North)
President Diaz
General Victoriano Huerta (was in charge of Mexico when Diaz resigned)